It's been almost two weeks since I've logged in to the blog. Firstly, the blog's received over 2,000 site visits. Thank-you! For a blog that's only a couple of months old, and is primarily to vent the thoughts from a crazy woman's head to have such a following already humbles me.
I haven't been onto the blog the last couple of weeks as things have been busy, upsetting, busy, and then just a bit full on. My last post was from Melbourne, where I was visiting my Dad who was in hospital after having major surgery. His recovery has been up and down, and it has been very hard to see him like that. Some of the advice that was administered by medical staff appalled me - especially things like being instructed to drink coke (because the sugar will give him energy, and coffee will dehydrate you *aaarrrrrrgggghh) and that fried fish with the batter stripped off is acceptable post-op food, was upsetting for me. I knew the advice was wrong, but he chose to follow it, because they are medical professionals. Throughout his treatment, he's been told to eat processed refined foods, sugars and lollies. I get quite upset by this, because the people who are supposed to heal, are making patients sicker by advising antiquated and ridiculous ideology about food that could come from the 1950's.
The upset I felt sent me on a 3 day binge, I ate meat (after over a year as a vegetarian drank beer, ate shitloads of cheese and drank a ton of coffee (I was in Melbourne - what's a girl to do) I ate wheat, and I even got drunk and ate McDonalds. I came home from Melbourne with my tail between my legs, and knew I'd have to pay for my 'sins'. I was really pissed off at myself for letting what was happening with my Dad send me to food, because eating shit food wasn't helping him at all, and it made me feel abysmal. The weigh in from Melbourne on foreign scales put me up by a kilo and a half, but after a few days home and some serious clean eating, I got my weight below what it was pre-Melbourne. So my week 6 weight was 500grams less than week 4, which after the binge-fest I had in Melbourne I'm super happy about.
I've had a couple of good gym sessions since I've been home (which may be responsible for my loss post-binge) but have been a bit lazy with exercise. I only trained 4 days out of the last 7. I ran with the PT the other day, and my ankle swelled up again. 6 weeks after the sprain and I'm still suffering, I might have to make another doctor's appointment to have it looked at. I'm also feeling terribly unmotivated. I went to the 12WBT site to see if I could change that and realised I haven't watched any of the videos since week 4. Tomorrow I'm going to watch all the videos and snip tips and I'm setting myself back on track.
I'm not sure how I'll go this Weigh in Wednesday, because this week, I've had a couple of pretty crappy days with nutrition and like I mentioned, only 4 training days this week. I had a couple of sneaky weigh in's this week, on Thursday, I was only 800g off my less than 100kg goal, and yesterday, I was back up to 102. I must stop these sneaky weigh in's and just wait for Wednesdays! Wish me luck!!!!
I'm catching up on blog reading so my reply is late. It's hard to see parents in tough medical situations, and so I completely understand what you went through with regard to the eating. It's what we turn to isn't it. Although the fact you pulled yourself up and got stuck back into the program shows that you aren't that girl of the past, you are that new and improved model and that's a great thing.