Wednesday, 31 October 2012

A new me

I had another one of those epiphany moments today. I was thinking about my journey so far on the 12WBT, I have had a really shitty 10 weeks. I rolled my ankle and couldn't train for the first few weeks of the program, my Dad was going through chemo and radiation, then we had to make an impromptu and really expensive trip to Melbourne for his surgery. My daughters health problems escalated to a really scary peak, and we have had to make some really extensive changes in our home, our diet and our lifestyle to help her with her health issues. I have had health issues, finding out my liver, kidneys and thyroid are not functioning well, I've injured my shoulder which has meant I need to change my training, and take it a little easy at the same time. A friend's kindergarten aged daughter was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, which really upset and depressed me, my great uncle suffered a major stroke and my Nan has had health issues also.

The old me, the  me I was several months ago, she would have quit. She would have used every single one of the things that were going badly as an excuse. The new me, she isn't a quitter - she is different. I joined 12WBT not for the nutrition (because I'm a nutrition junkie) or for the exercise program (because I hated exercise and didn't want to do ANY), but for the mindset. I wanted to change the way I think. I can say I am completely different now, both inside and out! I have learned to focus on the positives, I have lost 8.5kilos so far this round, and that isn't the numerical loss I wanted. Instead of focusing on that, I choose to focus on the fact I have lost over 72cm's and have gone from a size 22, to a 16-18. I have learned that I am important, and deserving of a healthy body. I can't change anyone else, only myself. If I become strong and healthy, I will be better equipped to help the people that I love through the difficult times they are going through.

Doing the 12WBT program, has helped me see the difference between reasons and excuses. I will carry that with me for ever. Michelle's mindset videos have taught me so much, and for that I will be forever grateful. I have also been blessed to befriend some truly amazing people in a 12WBT support group on facebook. Team Shuffle. We are so named because 'every day we're shuffling'. The people in that group have offered me love, kindness, friendship  support and a kick up the arse if it has been warranted. I believe that having people in my life who are experiencing the same things as me in my life, is crucial for my success. We are all going through life's traumas and dramas, but we aren't letting them stop us! We all have our good weeks and bad, but we are getting through them together!

I have developed a LOVE of training that I honestly never thought was possible. When I filled out my gym sheet for the personal trainer about 11 weeks ago, I answered the question "What forms of exercise do you prefer" with the answer 'NONE - I HATE IT ALL" (I was the first ever to write that apparently). Now I do at least 4 sessions a week. This week, I told my trainer I was going to go to every session she was running. She is running 8 - and so far, I've nailed 5 sessions! I injured my shoulder on Monday during the first session, but haven't let that stop me. I told the trainer, she's revising my training plan, and I'm still putting in 100% at training. I can't describe the feeling I have when I have finished a session, I'm exhausted and exhilarated all at once. Even though I'm almost always sore, I have never felt better. When my head hits the pillow now, I sleep. I am tired and exhausted because I worked hard! That is a really good feeling!

I guess what I really wanted to say with this post, is that 12WBT has changed me in a way I never thought would be possible. I have become a new me, and I am a happier, healthier and more confident version of myself than I ever thought possible. I couldn't have done it without 12WBT and my shuffle crew, but more importantly, I couldn't have done it if I'd continued to let excuses rule my life!

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